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Step 1: Select your Program

What program or service are you interested in or qualified for?
Choose from:
- Education/Study
- Work in Canada
- Immigrate to Canada
- Apply for a Visa

Step 2: Register with us

Complete our registration/enquiry form:
For Education, Study and Work Experience Programs:
[otw_shortcode_button href=”http://info.grandpac.com/enquire/education-enquiry-form/” size=”large” icon_position=”left” shape=”radius” color_class=”otw-greenish” target=”_blank”]Education Enquiry Form[/otw_shortcode_button]
For Immigration and Visa Programs:
[otw_shortcode_button href=”http://info.grandpac.com/enquire/visa-immigration-enquiry-form/” size=”large” icon_position=”left” shape=”radius” color_class=”otw-greenish” target=”_blank”]Visa/Immigration Enquiry Form[/otw_shortcode_button]
For General Questions or if you don’t know:

Step 3: Discover your options

We will contact you by email or phone within 2 business days to discuss your options and answer all your questions.
We will develop a plan of action, timeline and start the application process.
We will work with you until you have completed and submitted your application and offer you any other services you need to reach your goals.